Pirama Collective

2013 - 2015

In 2013, I co-founded the Pirama Collective with Guilherme Petersen and Fionelli Spathopoulou. Together, we created a range of artistic works including video, drawing, painting, video installations, and independent publications. Our notable projects included eight video installations and an artist residency followed by an exhibition titled "Ne me touches pas" at the Centre de Création Artistique Le Chêne in Villejuif, France, in 2015.

The Pirama Collective also produced a series of four zines called Le Bâtiment Rond, published in Paris between 2016 and 2017. Our work was showcased during the open house at the Centre de Création Le Chêne, providing a platform to share our innovative and collaborative art with a broader audience. For more information on our video creations, you can visit our Vimeo channel.


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